Illegal Contract Zoning: A Look at the Practice and Its Impact on Communities
Zoning laws play a crucial role in shaping our cities and towns, providing guidelines for what types of properties can be built and where. However, there is a lesser-known practice known as contract zoning, which can have negative consequences for communities and their residents.
Contract zoning occurs when a property owner agrees to abide by certain restrictions or requirements in exchange for a zoning change that allows them to develop their land in a way that would not otherwise be permitted. This can range from specific design elements to limitations on the types of businesses that can occupy the space.
While contract zoning may seem like a reasonable compromise between property owners and local governments, it can often lead to unintended consequences. For example, a developer may agree to build a certain number of affordable housing units in exchange for a zoning change, but then fail to follow through, leaving the community with a development that doesn`t serve its needs.
Another concern with contract zoning is the potential for corruption and favoritism. In some cases, wealthy developers may be able to negotiate favorable deals with local officials, while smaller property owners are left out of the process.
The legality of contract zoning varies from state to state, with some jurisdictions outright prohibiting the practice. However, even where it is legal, there are strict guidelines that must be followed to ensure that the public interest is being served.
For example, the American Planning Association has a Code of Ethics for planners, which states that they must “avoid conflicts of interest and conduct themselves in a manner that strengthens the public`s trust and confidence in the planning process.” This means that planners must be transparent in their dealings with developers and ensure that the public has a voice in any zoning decisions.
Ultimately, the practice of contract zoning highlights the importance of transparency and public engagement in the planning process. By working collaboratively with property owners, community members, and local officials, we can ensure that our cities and towns are developed in a way that benefits everyone.