Scheduling agreements are a crucial aspect of supply chain management in the SAP MM module. They allow buyers and suppliers to establish a fixed schedule of delivery for a specific period.

In this article, we will walk you through the steps involved in creating a scheduling agreement in SAP MM.

Step 1: Access the Scheduling Agreement Screen

To create a scheduling agreement, you must first access the Scheduling Agreement screen in the SAP MM module. You can do this by navigating to the Materials Management module in the SAP menu and selecting Scheduling Agreement from the list of options.

Step 2: Selecting the Scheduling Agreement Type

Next, you need to select the type of scheduling agreement you want to create. SAP MM offers three types of scheduling agreements: scheduling agreements with a release document, scheduling agreements without a release document, and scheduling agreements with delivery schedules.

Choose the type of scheduling agreement that best suits your business needs.

Step 3: Entering Agreement Details

After selecting the scheduling agreement type, you can move on to entering the agreement details. This includes the vendor’s information, the materials to be delivered, the delivery dates, quantities, and prices.

You can also specify any additional terms and conditions, such as payment terms or shipping instructions.

Step 4: Saving and Releasing the Agreement

Once you have entered all the relevant information, you can save the scheduling agreement and release it to the vendor. Releasing the agreement notifies the vendor that they can begin fulfilling the order according to the agreed-upon schedule.

Step 5: Monitoring and Managing the Agreement

Scheduling agreements are dynamic documents that require regular monitoring and management. You can view and modify the agreement details at any time, as well as track the delivery status and payment history in the SAP MM module.


Creating a scheduling agreement in SAP MM is a straightforward process that requires attention to detail and effective communication with suppliers. By following these steps, you can establish a reliable and efficient supply chain that meets your business needs and ensures timely delivery of goods.